I spent most of this year, the last six months anyway looking for two cars. I had an extra truck that I bought I often thought “If I can sell that truck and buy two cars”.
Well, I got my prayer answered. Someone hit Myra in a parking lot, and we both drivers were fine, my truck was totaled.
I have no idea where this piece of cardboard came from, but was something I was going to use in my search..and boy did I search!
It seemed like it was every day off for 90 days and often times evenings after work.
This cardboard was going to be used to make sure that a vehicle did not leak… before we bought it! And I needed this- because I have traumatized my two oldest daughters with having them make sure they parked their vehicle under a similar metal pan.
I wish I could go back in time and somehow by vehicles that didn’t drip oil or be more effective as a parent on topics like this or even taking out the trash or picking up after yourself. I bet we all do.
I met a nice guy at church in my car search, and ended up buying another from a guy 2-3 weeks after he did some repairs.
I never used this piece of cardboard. It never left my garage. And thankfully we have 2 cars that don’t leak oil.
I don’t know that I would have done everything I’ve done in parenting the same if I could have a re-do.
But I know God was there plenty of times to catch that crap I let fall, the junk that I let happen. No matter how many times I dropped, it never caused a stain- not one that couldn’t be washed clean.
I’ve been blessed. I’m gonna throw this away. And if I need another car, I’m gonna do my best and not stress over the small stuff.